
Join Moveon’s 2020 Election Program

By kitchentableactivism_1 / February 21, 2020

Have you joined MoveOn yet?  You should.  They’re rolling out a great way for you to make a difference and help people register and vote. MoveOn’s 2020 election program has three pieces: They’re mobilizing millions of MoveOn  members to volunteer, contribute, and make a difference. They’re working to inspire more than 7 million voters to […]


Problems Voting? Call These Numbers. PASS IT ON

By kitchentableactivism_1 / February 21, 2020

So what do you do if you encounter problems voting? The national, nonpartisan Election Protection coalition works to help voters have equal opportunities to vote. If anybody keeps you from voting or harasses you as you vote: Call 1-866-OUR-VOTE (1-866-687-8683) Spanish: 888-Ve-Y-Vota (888-839-8682) Arabic/English: 844-Yalla-US (844-925-5287) Asian and Pacific Islander: 888-API-VOTE (888-274-8683) For more information, […]


Make Sure You’re Registered to Vote: PASS IT ON

By kitchentableactivism_1 / February 21, 2020

One of the most powerful things you can do right now is tell everyone around you to register to vote.  Better yet — make it easy! Voter registration deadlines are looming! If you or anybody you know is confused about deadlines, Headcount has a page that provides information on voter registration deadlines and election dates: […]


Contact Congress and Tell Them to Stop Trump

By kitchentableactivism_1 / February 19, 2020

It’s important right now, more than ever, that every one of us flood our elected representatives with feedback, telling them what we want—and what we don’t want.  Remember: they count every phone call and interaction. There are many ways you can contact Congress. You can use the Countable Custom Action Center. You can use the […]