Trump and the GOP really are trying to destroy the Post office. GOP Congress already tried to bankrupt the Post Office with fake benefit payments for 70 years in advance. called the PAEA. It’s explained here. Louis [...]
Bill Barr, as the United States Attorney General since 2019, is one of the most corrupt individuals we’ve ever seen in office. In this article, two Justice Department attorneys explain some of Barr’s actions [...]
Back in 2016, it was unthinkable that people would be trying to unseat Lindsay Graham, but his constituents are appalled at his shift from following McCain to OK’ing all of Trump’s actions. Harrison [...]
Hello everyone: Since Trump was elected, brilliant people have written advice from many other countries who were beset by fascism and nationalism. We’ll be putting some of the links onto this page. The first [...]
One of the most powerful things you can do right now is tell everyone around you to register to vote. Better yet — make it easy! Voter registration deadlines are looming! If you or anybody you know is confused [...]