
Help People Get ID’s to Vote!

By Kitchen Table Staff / September 27, 2018

We’re seeing more voter suppression than ever.  One effective voter suppression technique is requiring hard-to-get ID’s before people are allowed to vote. Fight voter suppression.  SpreadTheVote helps people get voter IDs.  Click to donate, volunteer, or get an ID. Does your state require a photo ID to vote? See it here.  Find out what ID you need […]


Fund Chuck Grassley’s Future Opponent Right Here!

By Kitchen Table Staff / September 27, 2018

Constituents of Senator Collins, upset that she isn’t representing Mainers wishes, started a fund collecting money for her future opponent, if she votes to confirm Kavanaugh. Now they’ve done the same for Chuck Grassley. Grassley has over a million dollars worth of donations from lobbyists.  Voters are encouraged to donate to Grassley’s future Democratic opponent. […]


Track and Respond to Bills in Your State!

By Kitchen Table Staff / September 27, 2018

Many states are passing legislation that can restrict voters’ rights and cause other damage.  Demand the Vote has partnered with Bill50 to let you sign up and track what is going on in your state, so that you can help respond and get your input to legislators. See what bills are pending in your state […]


Commit to Vote in November – And Bring 3 Friends Along!

By Kitchen Table Staff / September 19, 2018

Committing to something has value. lets you commit to vote, check if you’re registered (or register), and then the site follows up with you. Please try to find three friends to forward this to.  It’s nice to do things together!  See you on voting day! Our peacock picture is because really, we’re tired of […]


Register to Vote – Know Your State’s Deadline

By Kitchen Table Staff / September 19, 2018

Jump in and  make a change!  Make sure that you’re registered to vote. What is your state’s voter registration deadline? Once you know your deadline, you can register to vote at is a website that gives you lots of help signing up, and even lets you sign up for election reminders and absentee ballots. […]


Donate through Patreon to Support Evangelical Expose Journalism

By Kitchen Table Staff / September 18, 2018

It’s interesting how little journalism focuses on what happens in Evangelical-land, especially since it has such a big effect on America right now.  But this journalist does. Consider donating on the Patreon page of Chrissie Stroop, former evangelical turned critic of the Christian Right.  Stroop has a Ph.D. in Russian History and Interdisciplinary studies from […]


Donate for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington!

By Kitchen Table Staff / September 18, 2018

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) is suing to find out who is behind dark money contributions to control politics in our country — and they’re succeeding  Please take a few minutes (and a few dollars) and help support this nonprofit legal watchdog group, dedicated to holding public officials accountable.  We need more […]