
What is WhatCanIDo.US Doing?

By Kitchen Table Staff / January 26, 2018

WHAT WE SEE We’re dismayed at how confusing the political situation is.  This is deliberate.  Divided attention makes us ineffective.  Emotion makes us ineffective. Studies even show us that Facebook makes us ineffective. We’re flooded with upsetting stories every day, pulled in every direction. These tactics keep us off-balance. And if enough people are disgusted […]


Listen to a Political Podcast

By Kitchen Table Staff / January 10, 2018

We’re really not finished looking for the best political podcasts, and the search will probably never end.  Before we start listing podcasts, here are some ways to find your own podcasts. The best political podcasts to help you become a more informed citizen 10 of the best podcasts that will make you smarter about politics. […]