
They’re Here! Buy Your Mini Trump Baby Balloon Today!

By Kitchen Table Staff / July 28, 2018

Trump apparently commented that he felt “unwelcome” recently in London.  Perhaps it was the 250,000 protesting against him, but it might have been the enormous balloon that looked like a fat Trump baby.  Claude Taylor, founder of Mad Doc PAC, which usually creates anti-GOP billboards and banners, is betting that the Trump balloon sends a […]


Children are Still Separated from their Families: Action Plan

By Kitchen Table Staff / July 28, 2018

The government has missed their deadline for returning children separated from their parents. Join with other horrified Americans to keep pressure up. Demand consequences for lack of preparation, lack of record keeping and human rights violations. Homeland Security Secretary Nielsen: 202-282-8000 Homeland Security comment line: 202-282-8495 Human Services Secretary Alex Azar: 202-690-7000 Here’s a microsite, containing  […]


Use 5Calls Website to Organize While You Call Congress

By Kitchen Table Staff / July 25, 2018

Every day, we hear about new drastic, punitive, mean-spirited, and irrational actions that the regime has taken.  The latest one is removing protection for endangered species.  Who does that?  And why? Simple.  It’s part of a strategy to keep all of us off-balance.  If we’re emotional and reactive, we’re not effective at to move together […]


Use Grab Your Wallet to Boycott Effectively

By Kitchen Table Staff / July 25, 2018

Boycotts can be very effective. Just ask Ivanka Trump.  Please consider using boycotts and your own money to send a message to the current regime. The Grab Your Wallet website is a full-service boycott tool.  It tells you which companies to boycott, and includes telephone numbers, email addresses, and even PR contacts and Twitter addresses, so […]


Rogans List Educates You About What’s Going On and How to Respond

By Kitchen Table Staff / July 25, 2018

Rogan’s List is written by Susan Rogan, a retired research librarian, and her staff.  In today’s world, it’s a better read than much of the news. Rogan’s list contains a run-down of recent regime activities, and includes action tips for readers.  If you combine her list with the “contact your Senator” tools that we list in […]


Find a March or Action Near You

By Kitchen Table Staff / July 24, 2018

What are you doing this weekend?  Why not check to see if there’s a march you can attend?  Indivisible helps you to find an indivisible event anywhere in the country. Here’s a great little app that you can any time.  Resistance Near Me is designed to help you to find any public event, rally, town hall, […]