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Kitchen Table Staff


Tell Congress to Save the Post Office!

By Kitchen Table Staff / July 23, 2020

Trump and the GOP really are trying to destroy the Post office. GOP Congress already tried to bankrupt the Post Office with fake benefit payments for 70 years in advance. called the PAEA.  It’s explained here. Louis DeJoy is Trump’s appointee to the position of Postmaster General.  Here’s his background. Trump’s New Postmaster General Louis […]


Donate to Unseat Lindsay Graham

By Kitchen Table Staff / May 27, 2020

Back in 2016, it was unthinkable that people would be trying to unseat Lindsay Graham, but his constituents are appalled at his shift from following McCain to OK’ing all of Trump’s actions. Harrison is the former chairman of the state’s Democratic Party, and he’s fighting hard against Graham. Jaime Harrison has gained great traction against […]


Senator Collins voted for Kavanaugh. Donate to Unseat Her.

By Kitchen Table Staff / April 19, 2020

Senator Collin’s Maine constituents started a campaign where people could donate money to get Senator Collins defeated if she doesn’t vote against Kavanaugh.  Spoiler alert: she didn’t vote against Kavanaugh, but was “concerned.” Ever since the Kavanaugh nomination in 2018, Collins constituents and other patriots across America have been angered enough to send money to […]


Join Michelle Obama and Register Every American to Vote

By Kitchen Table Staff / January 24, 2020

It’s your right, and the right of others to vote.  That’s why we need to register every single American to vote.  In the face of crushing levels of voter suppression, we, the people need to stand up, stand together, and we need to help register others. Click here to join Michelle Obama’s When We All […]


Write Postcards for Candidates and for Change

By Kitchen Table Staff / January 22, 2020

Starting now, please consider making time in your life for the occasional weekly friend get-together wine-and-postcard party!  Unlike almost any other volunteer activity, you can write postcards from your own house (or local coffee shop), while chatting with friends!  Postcards are a great way to reach out to voters, and they can really help. Volunteers […]


Donate to Get More Scientists Elected!

By Kitchen Table Staff / August 2, 2019

One of the most effective ways to help bring rational thought back to our government is to encourage and empower scientists to run for office.  Thanks to Trump and the unrelentingly stupid policies of GOP in the face of climate catastrophe, more scientists than ever before are considering a run.  Please help to encourage and […]


Pressure Your Senator to Pass Election Security Laws

By Kitchen Table Staff / July 28, 2019

“I am not joking when I say this could be the last free and fair election in American history.  It might not be a free and fair election.” — Malcolm Nance, US Intelligence 36 years, author of The Plot to Destroy Democracy. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is blocking bills that would provide $775 million […]


Countable’s Custom Action Center Helps You Contact Congress

By Kitchen Table Staff / July 26, 2019

Your feedback to Congress really matters.  In today’s political environment, the GOP has deliberately set up so many situations that it can be overwhelming.  The GOP hopes that you’re so overwhelmed that you don’t call them or march or act. But when you contact your Congressperson, they do take note. Here’s a new tool for […]


Run for Office! Here’s Who Can Help.

By Kitchen Table Staff / July 26, 2019

Consider running for office! This page lists organizations that can help you run for office.  Many organizations help you look for a race, train you, and help you find financial support. Run For Something is an organization that recruits people – especially young progressives — to run for office.  They run ads, wrote a book, […]


How to Help Democrats Win the Senate

By Kitchen Table Staff / June 25, 2019

It can be overwhelming to try to support conservative challengers and blue candidates in an election that’s pretty far away. Here are some tools to help. Here’s the 2020 Senate map, telling you which prospective Senate elections to watch in 2020. Swing Left and FlippableSwing Left has partnered with Flippable to focus on 11 Super […]

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