Resistance Clothing is Better Than Ever!

Resistance clothing in 2019 is in great colors, with great messages.  Check it out.

Mad Doc PAC was created by Claude Taylor.  It’s the nonprofit that created the gigantic Trump baby balloon, and you can buy that very same balloon (with a host of other things) in their online store.

The Blue Deal sells impeach bumper stickers and Donald Trump poop bags, among other items.

Planned Parenthood has a great store.

Spunky Swag has great t-shirts for men, women, and kids, but it’s their DITCH MITCH mug that we love best.

Etsy has an entire department for resistance clothing, including bracelets.

Crazy Dog t-shirts

Cafe Press t-shirts

Red Bubble t-shirts

Elect More Scientists t-shirts

Indivisible t-shirt

Other t-shirts that support the resistance.

So tell us:  Who else has great resistance clothing?

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