If you’ve just read the Learning How to Use Twitter post, and gotten up on Twitter, you now need to follow people, in order to see any tweets on your home page. We’ve got you covered! We made a special Starter Pack Resistance list of people, just for you!
This post tells you how to find the Kitchen Table Activism Lists, and how to subscribe. When you subscribe to a list, you can read all of the tweets by people in a list without following them. So you can scroll through until you find a few people that you’d like to follow, and then just follow them.
Start by logging into Twitter, and searching for the Kitchen Table Activism account, at @activism4us. When you click on the Kitchen Table Activism name, the home page will display. In the middle of the page, next to “Tweets” is “Lists.” Click on “Lists.”
Scroll down to the Starter Pack Resistance list, and then select “Subscribe” This will immediately give you some great Tweets. While you’re there, you might also want to take a look at the other lists as well. Here’s a guide to the lists that we’ve created:
Here’s a great article that will help you continue getting started on Twitter. Enjoy those lists!