Best List for Candidates. Created 2/11/2018
Elizabeth Cronin McGlaughlin is an attorney and a former professor at Columbia University of Law. She is profiled in this blog post. Her team at Gaia has just finished researching and vetting a comprehensive list of resistance candidates in the USA for 2018. We highly suggest this list as a source for anybody who wants to know which candidates to support. Here is the hyperlink for the list: https://goo.gl/Vbk64M
Us this list. Email the folks at Gaia if you know more candidates or have a change: info+candidates@gaialeadershipproject.com
And then buckle up and let’s start supporting these people!
Tokyo Sand, over at Political Charge, is profiling the elections, one by one.
Older Candidate Lists
Resistance Manual Organization wiki has an older candidate list, with information on issues. The wiki also includes State and Local pages. If you would like to volunteer to help update information on the wiki, send an email to info@staywoke.org