Run for Office! Here’s Who Can Help.

Consider running for office!

This page lists organizations that can help you run for office.  Many organizations help you look for a race, train you, and help you find financial support.

  • Run For Something is an organization that recruits people – especially young progressives — to run for office.  They run ads, wrote a book, train candidates, connect them to resources, and provide mentors. Facebook Twitter Instagram

Support for Veterans or the Service Community

  • New Politics recruits  veterans and national service leaders from organizations like Teach for America, and Americorps.   They offer training and fundraising support to put Democrats into office. Here’s an article about them.

Support Organizations for Scientists

  • 314 Action is a grassroots community of almost one million scientists and advocates who put out  a call for scientific candidates to help.  Over 7,000 candidates contacted them, and they helped 1,400 candidates so far, to run for office.

Support Organizations for LGBTQ Candidates

  • Victory Institute provides LGBTQ leaders with the training and skills necessary to run for office and win. Support Organizations for Women Candidates
  • Emily’s List gets pro-choice Democratic women elected to office. They are targeting 50 anti-choice Senators in the next election.
  • Emerge organization recruits, trains, and provides a powerful network for Democratic women who want to run for office.
  • Get Her Elected are skilled volunteers that offer pro bono services to help progressive women candidates get elected.
  • Women Winning works to encourage, promote, support, and elect pro-choice women of all political parties.
  • She Should Run is a nonpartisan organization that has inspired more than 26,000 women to consider running for office.  Any money you donate goes to women of both political parties.
  • Ignite is a nonpartisan organization that starts with primary school girls, encouraging them to learn about and run for office. Ignite feels that females are dramatically underrepresented in political leadership (only 18% of Governors, 24% of Congress, 22% of Mayors). Their slogan is “Political Power in Every Young Woman.”
  • Rise to Run works to create a new pipeline of young women ready to enter electoral politics at a younger age (current average is 47.) Rise to Run has an infrastructure and training program that empowers young progressive women to entre public office and progressive activism at all levels of government.

Support Organizations for Black Women Candidates

  • Higher Heights was created to help strengthen black women’s voices to advance progressive policies and politics.  They help black women have more strength in grassroots advocacy and help more black women be elected to office.
  • The National Congress of Black Women is building a network of women of color in leadership and entrepreneurship, and a pipeline of engaged women.

Support Organizations for Black Men and Women Candidates

  • The Collective Education Fund hosts an annual Black Campaign Schools.  These training conferences pair top political strategists, trainers, and communicators with over 1,000 up and coming black candidates and elected officials running for local, state, and federal public office, together with prospective campaign operatives.  The Black Campaign School’s goal is to create a talent pipeline. The conferences are in Greenville, SC; Los Angeles, CA; Boston, MA; Washington, DC; Houston, TX, and Cleveland, OH.

Support Organizations for Asian Men and Women Candidates

Support Organizations for Hispanic Women (Latina) Candidates

In 2018, the Democrats’ enthusiasm meant that a significant number of Democratic candidates won their races uncontested.   Look at your local races and your state races, and if you want to run for office, just do it.

Do not let a single GOP candidate run uncontested in the coming election year!  

Ballotpedia gives you a clear view of what’s going on at each level of elections.

About the author

Kitchen Table Staff

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