These Organizations are Taking Protests to the Streets. Join Up!

As pressure builds in our country, realize that we’re going to have to take to the streets to protest.  And the moment when we need to do that is getting closer.  In today’s news, people are saying that Trump might just shut the government down in order to stop the impeachment.  That’s not acceptable.

Please take a minute to sign up with one of these organizations.  They are all on the frontline of organizations planning for mass protests.  Get ready.

  • Refuse Fascism is a movement of people coming from diverse perspectives, united in the realization that Trump/Pence regime is catastrophic danger to humanity.  More on their background. Starting in November 2019, they are starting the #OUTNOW movement, protesting every Saturday until Trump/Pence are removed from power. Find a protest near you here. Organize an #OUTNOW protest hereSign up here.Follow on Twitter at @refusefascism and @[nameofcity]Refusefascism (e.g @SFRefuseFascism)
  • #ShutDownDC — On September 23 and 27, #ShutDownDC shut DC down for climate justice. Sign up here to get involved.  They are meeting, training for action, and shutting things down.  Get involved in climate protests.Follow on Twitter at @ShutDown_DC
  • Remove Trump Organization is rising against Trump every day, from November 2-11, 2019.  Converge at the White House. Sign up here for more information.Follow them on Twitter at @Remove_TrumpNow
  • #SOSAmerica was created to help various protest groups coordinate in America.  Their goal is to unify all protesters across the nation who are resisting, and who want Donald Trump removed from office. Join their mailing list or email them to help organize mass-scale peaceful protest. You can follow them on Twitter at @SOSAmerica2019 or on Reddit.
  • Rise and Resist Organization is a direct action group committed to protesting in New York City. You can see their daily protests at Penn Station and more.  Sign up to join here, and follow them on Twitter at @riseandresistny
  • CPD Action Organization is building a movement to expand the voice and power of workers, communities of color, and immigrants on issues of economic and racial justice.  Along with their sister organization, the Center for Popular Democracy, CPD Action works to create and facilitate campaigns and actions to improve people’s lives. Follow on Twitter at @CPDAction
  • Vigil for Democracy holds vigils for democracy and mass mobilizes to remove criminals from the government.  Partnering with #SOSAmerica and  Their Patreon page is here. Follow them on Twitter at @vigil4democracy.
  •  By the People Impeach and Remove is working to build a mass movement to impeach Trump. They are located on Twitter at @by_the_ppl
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