Tell Congress to Save the Post Office!

Trump and the GOP really are trying to destroy the Post office.
GOP Congress already tried to bankrupt the Post Office with fake benefit payments for 70 years in advance. called the PAEA.  It’s explained here.

Louis DeJoy is Trump’s appointee to the position of Postmaster General.  Here’s his background.

Trump’s New Postmaster General Louis DeJoy is giving orders to Postal Carriers to deliberately delay First Class mail.

Here’s a long description, by a postal employee, of what’s going on.  He says “This is deliberate. It is sabotage, and it will wreck the Post Office.”

Please Help!  Reach Out to Congress

1. Call and Write Your Reps and Tell them to Save and Protect the Post Office, (their Constitutional duty.)

Here’s a sample note:

Dear Representative:
I am writing because I am very upset that Louis DeJoy is cancelling all overtime and directing mail carriers to delay First Class Mail delivery.  By law, 18 U.S. Code § 1703 specifies that it is illegal to delay the delivery of mail.  This must be stopped immediately!  Please pressure the USPS Inspector General to formally investigate curtailment of mail.

Secondly, please provide the USPS with a $1 billion annual appropriation in exchange for committing to deliver medicines and other critical supplies in the event of a national disaster.

Find your Senator Here.

Find Your House Representative Here.

You can message, and it will turn your texts into letters.

Here are some other great automated  tools for contacting Congress. 

2. Now do it with a postcard.

Here are directions to go to the Postcards for Voters page and learn how to send postcards for politics.  Please take a few minutes and send your legislators a postcard on the topic.  Remember, they count every contact

Finally, please take a minute to make sure that you’re registered!  Don’t forget to check and re-check. Pass it on!

About the author

Kitchen Table Staff

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